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Catholicism And Evolution

Catholicism and Evolution

A Brief History

The Catholic Church has a long history when it comes to the topic of evolution. In the early days of the theory of evolution, the Church was opposed to it, as it was seen as a threat to the faith. However, over time, the Church has come to accept evolution as a scientific fact.

The Church's Position Today

Today, the Catholic Church supports theistic evolution, also known as evolutionary creation. This is the belief that God created the universe and all life within it through the process of evolution. Catholics are free to believe in any part of evolutionary creation that they choose.

The Church's Tradition

The tradition of the Catholic Church claims it began with Jesus Christ and his teachings. The Catholic tradition considers that the Bible is the inspired word of God and that it contains the truths necessary for salvation. However, the Catholic Church also recognizes that the Bible is not a scientific textbook and that it should not be interpreted literally.


The Catholic Church's position on evolution is a complex one. The Church has come to accept evolution as a scientific fact, but it also believes that God created the universe and all life within it. Catholics are free to believe in any part of evolutionary creation that they choose.
